
The primary for the SEGMA ENGINEERING GROUP is Lee Dumas P.E. Mr Dumas has served on projects ranging from Area Engineer, and Construction Manager. These projects were major components of larger rail transit or highway construction programs. Many of these Construction contracts were a standard design/bid/build procurement process. and ranged from up to $225 million. Other projects included Design and Construction Management Services, which are provided under joint venture or Program Management Consultants and private contracts. Mr Dumas strived to complete work on time and within budget. When cost overruns occured, they were managed through an aggressive change order and claims management process, which minimized end of the job loses and delay claims.

Projects including the construction of the SR134/I-5 Freeway Bridge was part of the SR134 Freeway initial extension into the City of Glendale, Calif., and included a three level freeway/freeway interchange at SR134/SR2, which Mr. Dumas served as Assistant Resident Engineer. Other Projects were large nationally significant freeway inter-modal projects programmed from $300 million to $1.5 billion in construction costs. The delivery system for all projects, except the SR134/I-5 project and the Container Transfer Facility, were fast track design-bid-build projects. Mr. Dumas served in various roles over a 16 year period as Project Control Manager, Senior Field Engineer, Deputy Construction Manager, and/or Resident Engineer...The see gallery of projects proformed by Mr. Dumas, click here

includes projects ranging from (but not limited to):

  • Construction Management: Passenger and Freight Rail Construction ($300 million to $1.5 billion)
  • Resident Engineer: Large complex construction projects (greater than $300 million)
  • Designer - Tie-Back Excavation Support System at First National Bank Peachtree Street – Five Points Station.
  • Design Engineer - Soldier Pile and Tremie Concrete Excavation Support System at Peachtree Street – Five Points Station
  • Resident Engineer - Century Freeway Viaduct Structures.
  • Resident Engineer - Pile Array for Connector Bent Interstate 605/105 Freeway to Freeway Interchange.
  • Resident Engineer - Chiller Piping for HVAC System – Five Points Station.
  • Designer - Beach Stabilization Project Interstate 5 at Batiquitos Lagoon - San Diego